
My top priority is to ensure you are kept safe in class and training sessions.  You can be assured that all Government and Professional Body guidelines are being adhered too which include social distancing measures, sanitising of equipment before and after each session, strict class protocols and regular communications of any changes.

Class Protocol:

In order to keep us all safe please adhere to the following rules before, during and after class:

1) Please arrive at class alone and go to your allocated work station as advised by the instructor.

2) Please keep all your personal belongings by your allocated cone in your allocated work space.

3) Please do not share equipment or belongings.

4) Please keep a minimum of 2 metres away from all class attendees and the instructor.

5) Please leave the session immediately, with no loitering by the class workspace.

6) If you feel unwell AT ALL during class please inform the instructor who will call your designated emergency contact.

7) Do not attend a class if you have not booked in.  Non bookings will be turned away.  

8) If you show ANY COVID-19 symptoms please do not show up or please leave class immediately. Non adherence will result in you being asked to leave with no refund.